A healing space of breathtaking beauty, with crystal-clear water and lush greenery surrounded by abundant nature.
Ikeno-yama Suigen is a water source located in Ubuyama Village, Aso District, Kumamoto Prefecture, and is designated as one of Japan's 100 Best Waters by the Ministry of the Environment. This water source is formed by groundwater from Mount Aso, filtered through layers of earth over many years before emerging as a spring. It boasts an impressive flow rate of 30 tons per minute. The crystal-clear water is so beautiful it's mesmerizing, and the surrounding area, enveloped in the quietude and greenery of trees over 200 years old, offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. A well-maintained, tree-lined walkway allows for pleasant strolls around the water source. Visitors are welcome to collect and take home the fresh water. The water from Ikeno-yama Suigen is rich in minerals, with a smooth, refreshing taste. Local residents utilize this water for daily life, and many local products, such as tofu made with the water and vegetables grown using it, are also sold. Ikeno-yama Suigen offers a chance to experience the power of nature and to refresh both body and mind. Visit and experience its beauty firsthand!