A shrine dedicated to Yamatohime-no-mikoto, who established Ise Grand Shrine. The tranquil atmosphere of the grounds offers a different charm from the main shrine.
Yamatohime-gu Shrine is one of the betsugu (separate shrines) of Ise Grand Shrine, dedicated to Yamatohime-no-mikoto, who enshrined Amaterasu Omikami at its current location. Located very close to Ise Grand Shrine's Naiku (Inner Shrine), the serene atmosphere of the grounds offers a peaceful contrast to the grandeur of Ise Grand Shrine, making it a perfect place to visit after paying your respects there. Yamatohime-no-mikoto is said to have journeyed throughout various regions in search of a suitable location for Amaterasu Omikami before finally settling on the present site of Ise Grand Shrine's Naiku in Ise Province. She was the fourth princess of Emperor Suinin (the 11th emperor) and is believed to have guided Amaterasu Omikami to her final resting place in Ise Province. Yamatohime-gu Shrine was established in 1923 (Taisho 12). As the 125th and newest shrine among the 125 main shrines, betsugu, sessha, massha, and shokanja that constitute Ise Grand Shrine, it's the only one with a precisely documented founding date. Adjacent to Yamatohime-gu Shrine is the Ujiyamadayama Mausoleum Reference Site/Obi Tomb, where Yamatohime-no-mikoto is believed to rest, adding another layer to the historical significance of the location. Nearby are also sites believed to have been lodgings for Yamatohime-no-mikoto during her journey through Ise Province, allowing you to envision the era. Yamatohime-gu Shrine is a must-visit when exploring Ise Grand Shrine.