Be awestruck by the sheer scale of this opulent merchant's mansion, built in the late Edo period.
The Ishigaya Residence is a nationally designated Important Cultural Property located in Chizu-cho, Tottori Prefecture. This historic building, constructed in the late Edo period and subsequently modified during the Meiji and Taisho eras, is simply breathtaking. The grounds span 3,000 tsubo (approximately 9,917 square meters), encompassing over 40 rooms and seven storehouses. Its sheer size is truly awe-inspiring. The Ishigaya family, an old family that moved from Tottori Castle town in the early Edo period, thrived as a central family in Chizu-juku. Known for generations by their family name "Shioya," they were extensive landowners and engaged in forestry. The current form of the Ishigaya Residence is the result of approximately 10 years of renovation by the third-generation Denshirō. The Ishigaya Residence showcases the pinnacle of traditional Japanese wood craftsmanship, with stunning beam structures, carvings, and a beautiful traditional Japanese garden offering a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of a wealthy merchant family of the time. Here, you can learn about their lifestyle, culture, and history. A relaxing tea room overlooking the garden is also available. Chizu-cho is a region rich in historical sites, such as the Iwamiginsan Silver Mine. A visit to the Ishigaya Residence presents a wonderful opportunity to delve into the history and culture of Chizu-cho. Beyond the Ishigaya Residence, Chizu-cho offers many other captivating attractions, including Chizu-juku, Itai-hara village, and Ashitsu Valley. Make the Ishigaya Residence your starting point for an unforgettable journey through the history and culture of Chizu-cho.