A historic temple established by Sakanoe Tamuramaro, featuring a breathtaking Bishamondo Hall built into a cliff face!
Tatsuyakutsu Bishamondo Hall is a historic temple established in 801 AD by Sakanoe Tamuramaro. It is said that Tamuramaro, after subduing Akudo-o, who had based himself in this area, enshrined Bishamonten (Vaisravana) to commemorate his victory. The Bishamondo Hall, built into a cave in the cliff face, is designated as a national historic site due to its unique architectural beauty and historical significance. The grounds also feature a large magai-butsu (cliff-side Buddha statue), believed to be either Dainichi Nyorai or Amitabha Tathagata, adding to the historical atmosphere. The grounds of Tatsuyaku-Saikoji Temple are considered sacred and are enveloped in a peaceful silence that soothes the soul. Records indicate that Minamoto no Yoritomo also visited the temple on his return journey to Kamakura, highlighting its long history of devotion and reverence. The fusion of history and nature at Tatsuyakutsu Bishamondo Hall offers a truly special and moving experience for visitors.