A majestic weeping cherry tree over 600 years old. Its beauty is truly breathtaking.
Tsuboi's Weeping Cherry Tree is a weeping cherry tree in Takayama Village that is over 600 years old. Known as one of the Takayama Five Great Cherry Trees, its magnificent presence captivates many. In spring, pale pink blossoms abound, adding vibrant color to the surrounding landscape. Its beauty is truly breathtaking. At the base of the cherry tree lies an old cemetery, adding a sense of history to the site. As it stands in a quiet corner of the graveyard where the village's ancestors rest peacefully, please be mindful of proper etiquette. While there is a small parking area with space for a few cars, keep in mind that parking attendants may only be available on weekends. Parking is quite tight, so be prepared for close quarters. Tsuboi's Weeping Cherry Tree is a must-see destination when visiting Takayama Village.