A stately thatched-roof mansion offering a glimpse into the life of a wealthy farmer.
The Megoro Residence is the former home of the Megoro family, wealthy farmers in Suhara, Uonuma City, Niigata Prefecture. Built in 1797 (Kansei 9), this residence exemplifies the chu-mon-zukuri architectural style, characteristic of heavy snowfall regions, featuring a substantial thatched roof. The house preserves various rooms and storehouses, providing a fascinating look into the lives of wealthy farmers of that era. Entering through the main gate, you'll find a dirt floor, a hearth with a large fire shelf hanging above, a withdrawing room, a stable, a storage area (kacha), a lower-level area (shiryu-ba), and servants' quarters. From the dirt floor, one steps over a high threshold to enter the tea room. Above the hearth is a Buddhist altar, and to the right is a room where the head clerk kept accounts and slept. The grounds also include a museum offering detailed information about the Megoro family's history and culture, exhibiting family trees, photographs, and documents illustrating their way of life. The Megoro Residence is a must-see for history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the daily life of the past.