Nagahama Shrine, the stage of the Kunihiki Myth, is revered as a god of sports and victory. Refresh your mind and body while experiencing its magnificent scenery and rich history!
Nagahama Shrine is located in Saiuencho, Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, and is designated as the 19th site of the Izumo Kokujin Butsuryojo. There are theories that this shrine corresponds to "Izumo Jinja" mentioned in the Izumo Fudoki and "Izumo Jinja" listed in the Engishiki Jinmyocho. However, since the shrine's location is clearly within the Kamon County area, there are various theories regarding its origins. From the medieval to the early modern period, it was called "Myoken-sha" or "Sonomura Myoken Jinja." In 1872 (Meiji 5), it was renamed to its current name, "Nagahama Shrine." The principal deity enshrined at Nagahama Shrine is Yatsukami Mizuomi Tsunono-no-mikoto, the protagonist of the Kunihiki Myth. It also enshrines Fute Mimi and Omizunu as associated deities. While Fute Mimi and Omizunu only appear by name in the Kojiki (Records of Ancient Matters) as part of Susanoo's lineage, Nagahama Shrine considers Omizunu to be a child of Yatsukami Mizuomi Tsunono-no-mikoto. Nagahama Shrine is revered as a god of sports and victory. A giant tug-of-war event, referencing the Kunihiki Myth, is held on the shrine grounds, allowing visitors to experience its history and traditions. The view from the shrine is magnificent, making it an ideal place to refresh your mind and body. Please visit Nagahama Shrine to experience its sacred atmosphere, history, and natural beauty.