This branch temple of the Shin Buddhism Otaniha school, established in the early Edo period, is full of highlights, including buildings such as the main hall and large hall, believed to be remnants of Fushimi Castle, and the Gonsanken Garden and Rantei Garden, both nationally designated places of scenic beauty.
Nagahama Betsuin Daitsuji Temple is a Shin Buddhism Otaniha sect temple located in Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture. It's a branch temple of the sect, with its head temple being the Shinso Honbyo (Higashi Hongan-ji Temple). The principal image is Amitabha Buddha. Its mountain name is "Mugai-chiyama." Locally, it's affectionately known as "Gobo-san." Daitsuji Temple was founded in the early Edo period after Tokugawa Ieyasu permitted the separation of Hongan-ji Temple, with the 12th head priest of Hongan-ji, Kyo-nyo, as its founder. Initially built on the site of Nagahama Castle, it was later relocated to its current location. Daitsuji Temple is brimming with highlights, including the main hall and large hall, designated as Important Cultural Properties, and the Gonsanken Garden and Rantei Garden, designated as Places of Scenic Beauty. The main hall and large hall are believed to be remnants of Fushimi Castle, offering a glimpse into the splendor of Momoyama culture. The ceiling of the main hall, in particular, features a breathtakingly powerful and beautiful painting of dragons by Kano Sanraku. The large hall once served as a reception hall for the Ii family and has witnessed numerous historical events. The Gonsanken Garden harmonizes beautifully with the Shoin-style building, offering stunning views throughout the year. With Mount Ibuki in the east serving as a borrowed landscape, it allows visitors to feel the grandeur of nature within a tranquil setting. The Rantei Garden, a pond-style stroll garden, recreates the scene depicted in the "Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion" screen painting in the Shoin Rantei. Daitsuji Temple also has deep ties to the Ii family; Sunachiyohhime, the seventh daughter of Ii Naosuke, was adopted into the temple. Many of her personal belongings are preserved at Daitsuji Temple, and a portion of them are displayed in the various halls. Nagahama Betsuin Daitsuji Temple is a temple rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Be sure to visit!