A mystical space woven from stone and glass arches. A church filled with tranquility and serenity, nestled in the abundant nature of Karuizawa.
The Stone Church Kanzo Uchimura Memorial Hall was built in 1988 to commemorate Kanzo Uchimura, a prominent Christian leader during Japan's Meiji and Taisho eras. Designed by American architect Kendrick Kellogg, the church features a unique design with overlapping stone and glass arches. The beautiful and symbolic architecture, where stone is said to represent masculinity and glass femininity, captivates visitors. The upper level serves as a chapel, offering an open space filled with natural light and a sense of peace and tranquility. The lower level houses the Kanzo Uchimura Memorial Hall, showcasing exhibits about his life and philosophy. Kanzo Uchimura significantly impacted Japanese Christianity, and his ideas continue to resonate with many today. The Stone Church Kanzo Uchimura Memorial Hall is a quiet and sacred space surrounded by the abundant nature of Karuizawa. It offers a place to find peace and reflection, appreciate the beauty of the architecture, and learn about the philosophy of Kanzo Uchimura. Be sure to visit when you're in Karuizawa.