A historic shrine nestled on the shores of Lake Towada. Famous as a power spot, its serene atmosphere offers a calming escape.
Towada Shrine is located in Okuse, Towada City, Aomori Prefecture, situated in Kyuoya on the west shore of Lake Towada, on the Nakayama Peninsula. Known as a power spot attracting devotees for centuries, its history is steeped in legend, including tales of its founding by Sakanoe Tamuramaro during his eastern campaigns. Surrounded by a cedar grove, the shrine's tranquil atmosphere provides a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of city life. The shrine grounds are rich in legends featuring figures like Prince Yamatotakeru and Nanzo-bo. Prince Yamatotakeru is said to have prayed here for safe passage across Lake Towada during his eastern campaigns, while Nanzo-bo, a monk who trained in Kumano, is credited with slaying a giant serpent known as Hachirō Tarō in Lake Towada. Towada Shrine is particularly renowned for its "uranba," a divination spot. While previously accessible via an iron ladder, it's now closed due to safety concerns. Instead, divination is performed by casting offerings into Omaegohama (a beach at Lake Towada). Those seeking fortune can toss coins, rice twisted into a small ball, or "oyori-gami" (paper offerings blessed by the priest) into the lake. Sinking signifies the fulfillment of one's wish, while floating indicates otherwise. Towada Shrine offers a mystical experience, allowing visitors to connect with the majestic nature and rich history of Lake Towada. Find tranquility in its serene setting and reflect upon ancient legends.